Chefs Food Service is committed to providing healthy, enjoyable dishes for St. Bernard Academy students while keeping cognizant of nutritional value and dietary restrictions.
Family and Staff
Hope everyone had a fun and restful summer. We are looking forward to getting back school as I am sure everyone is as well. At this time I would like to share with you the lunch procedures and policies here at SBA.
Lunch Program Procedures and Policy
Chefs Food Service is proud to announce that all lunch accounts are now accessible on line to parents and staff. To set up parent login portal please go to www.ezschoolapps.com click on the parent login and follow “sign-up today”
New menus will be posted one week before each month on SBA and Chefs Food Service website.
1) Payments are required to be made before the start of school year. And the beginning of each month going forward, since registrations is on line this year payments will need to be posted on our website (a pay button is located on the left upper hand side) before the start of the first day of school @ www.chefsfoodservice.org we accept all major credit cards, PayPal. Chefs Food Service is requiring a $250.00 deposit per student as this a pre-paid meal plan.
2) Each day homerooms will preform lunch roll and forward to the kitchen.
3) Should the negative balance reach -$20.00 or more, a personal call will be made by the food service director. It is highly recommended to immediately reconcile a negative account balance by either sending payment with the student to put in the account or via web payment to get the account in a positive balance
4) In the event that the student account has exceeded the amount that was deposited you will be notified via email
5) Each student will be given a lunch card with their own bar code in which they will use to purchase their daily lunch with the exception of JK and Kindergarten
6) Upon request, a lunch activity report can be sent home which will contain detailed transactions, deposits, purchases, and balance
7) All lunch account balances will roll over to the following semester and school year.
Contact number 615-904-5055 e-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
We will be offering a Lunch Discount Plan per semester for all student levels
Lunch Discount Plan
First Semester/August-December 2023
JK-4th Level
81 lunches before discount 526.50
Discounted cost 461.50
5th – 8th Level
81 lunches before discount 567.00
Discounted cost $497.00
The discount funds are strictly for whole lunches from the lunch menu which includes one drink does not include extras. If funds are not used by the end of semester or the school year it will roll over to the following semester or year.